The Paul Donato Report

This online publication, published by the FRIENDS OF PAUL DONATO, provides a platform for Representative Donato to keep constituents updated on what's happening at the State House. It also provides a means for citizens of the 35th Middlesex District to communicate directly with their Representative. Representative Donato welcomes your comments and suggestions.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

House passed legislation regarding Education...

As you can see from my weekly updates of legislation passed in the recent session that we addressed many issues of concerns to all taxpayers. One area of particular concern to taxpayers is education. This week let me briefly touch on education issues that were addressed.

We enacted legislation on the following:

  • Universal pre-kindergarten program
  • Commitment to higher education
  • Inclusive high school graduation ceremonies
  • Professional teaching status for school nurses
  • Federal reimbursement for children with autism
  • Access to student records

As usual, if you would like any additional information on individual items of legislation you can email me at

In two weeks time I'll publish the final edition of these updates on recent legislation. I'll include a brief summary of legislation to do with Housing, Veterans, Environment, Consumer Choice and Privacy Rights and Welfare Reform.

Happy Labor Day Weekend, everybody! And drive safely.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

More information on recent legislative session...

If you are a regular visitor to my blog you know that I've been providing information on legislation passed in our recent session. While the regular media has covered some of this legislation their coverage misses a lot of the items addressed.

This week I'll highlight the public safety legislation passed. Next week I'll summarize legislation to do with education.

Briefly, legislation to do with public safety included laws passed to address the following:

  • witness intimidation program/Anti-gang funding
  • OUI Repeat Offenders ("Melanie's Law")
  • New Driver's License Requirements for Teenagers
  • Protecting Children from Sexual Predators
  • Strengthening Sex Offender Oversight
  • Support for Municipal Public Safety
  • Carbon Monoxide Detectors ("Nicole's Law")
  • Fire Safe Cigarettes
  • Interstate Compact
  • Public Defenders
  • Voluntary Firefighter & Public Safety Personnel Benefits
  • Emergency Central Artery Legislation
  • Protecting Children from Sexual Solicitation

For additional information on any of these laws you can email me at .

Hope everyone is enjoying what is left of the Summer.

More information next week.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why I publish a blog...

I'm sometimes asked by colleagues in the State House why I publish a blog. From my conversations it's clear that some have concerns about political blog publishing.

First, a few words about why I decided to start publishing this blog. One frustration I had was the difficulty of keeping our Website updated. A Website that's not updated can become like an outdated newspaper. I also realized that over 70% of middle class homes now have access to the Internet...and an increasing number are getting their information from this source.

There's another reason for the decision to publish this blog. A major responsibility of any elected representative is to represent the interests of constituents. This involves engaging in "dialogue" with voters. An interactive blog is an ideal tool to do this. I can send you a hardcopy newsletter but it does not provide for easy feedback. On this blog you just have to click on my email address ( )to give feedback...or you can post a comment by clicking on "comments" below.

Every State Representative is anxious to share his/her views with people in their District. I believe an interactive blog is a very useful tool to do this.

Some political representatives are a little apprehensive about publishing a blog because of stuff they have read on the newspaper or seen on television. The fact is that tomorrow's political leaders will be using blogs as a tool to communicate with voters. Look at what just happened in the Connecticut Democratic primary. Irrespective of who you supported in that election it is clear that the Lamont people effectively used blogs to get their message out.

I'm hoping that over the coming months this blog will reach more and more people in my District. If you read the blog and like the content I'm asking that you forward a link to friends and colleagues. All you have to do is to click on the envelope shaped icon below and type in the email address.

Thank you for your consideration.


You can bookmark my blog by simply typing the URL into your Address Book. The URL is

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

More Information on Legislative Session...

I hope everyone is having a good summer!

For the past couple of weeks I've been providing a summary of the legislation passed in the recently completed session. This week I'll provide some additional information. Next week I'll continue with these reports. As usual, send an email to if you have any questions.

Here is a summary of some of legislation passed dealing with budgets and tax relief:

  • We provided an unprecedented level of local aid
  • Historic Chapter 70 Funding (Additional $216 million for education)
  • Passed on-time, balanced budget increasing funding for local aid, education, human services and affordable housing
  • Passed capital supplemental budget bringing reserve account to $1.7 billion
  • Provided tax credits for eligible seniors
  • Passed the sales tax holidays that many were recently able to take abvantage of
  • Passed commuter tax relief
  • Passed a $25 million appropriation providing MWRA rate relief
  • Passed the home energy assistance and tax relief act
  • We provided for repeal of the retroactive gains tax

Anyone who would like more details can contact my office in Medford. Next week I'll provide summary information on public safety legislation that was passed in the recent session.

Have a good week!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Update on Legislative Session (continued)...

Last week I summarized health care legislation passed in the session just completed. This week I'll provide highlights of legislation passed that had to do with economic development. As usual, if you would like additional information you can email me at

Here is a list of legislation passed:

Following statewide job growth listening tour, House passed comprehensive stimulus package designed to make smart, bold investments in workforce training, infrastructure, technology and cultural facilities.

To combat excessive regulation the House passed legislation to streamline the state and local building approval process.

Legislature reaffirms commitment to commonwealth working families by giving long overdue pay increase to lowest wage earners.

Beating out competitor states like North Carolina and New York, bipartisan Massachusetts effort persuades global drug giant Bristol-Myers Squibb to build a $660 million manufacturing plant in Devens.

New financing mechanism forges partnership between communities, state and developers in order to stimulate development and job growth across Massachusetts.

Seeking to further facilitate job growth and make Massachusetts competitive with other states and countries, House takes action to attract multi-million dollar movie industry to Massachusetts to create jobs, increase tourism and generate revenue for state and local communities.

$261 million plan to expand and renovate Hamscom Air Base in Bedford and US Army Soldiers System in Natick keeps jobs in Massachusetts and bases open during 2005 BRAC review process.

Legislature approves first comprehensive overhaul of child labor rules in 70 years by increasing criminal penalties and giving the attorney general authority to pursue civil charges against neligent employers.

House passes comprehensive legislation that restructures the process for the disposal of state property.

These are some of the key pieces of legislation that we passed. Check back next week for additional information on legislation passed.

Again, I am always happy to hear from constituents. Your feedback is welcome!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Update on Legislative Session

Over the next few weeks I'll be highlighting the key pieces of legislation passed during the session just completed.

This week I want to highlight key legislation in the area of healthcare.

Here is a brief summary. Please send an email to if you would like additional information.

First in the nation health care reform law makes affordable, quality insurance accessible to 95% of the state's 500,000 uninsured residents within three years; Landmark law based on House principle of shared responsibility requires individuals, businesses and government to participate in remedy for skyrocketing costs and growing number of uninsured; Reforms promise to significantly lower insurance costs for working families and individuals.

Redirects Medicaid spending to give more seniors and people with disabilities option of receiving care at home and in the community; Moving to referred, cost effective savings will save taxpayers $134 million in first five years and create greater awareness of community-based alternatives.

Protects commonwealth citizens by prohibiting insurance providers from discriminating against prospective policy holders based on genetic testing results.

New statewide registry of personal care attendants will expand access to quality home care, allowing more seniors and people with disabilities to maintain their independent living where they are most comfortable.

New registration and licensing requirements for genetic counselors guarantees appropriate state oversight and patient protections in emerging medical field.

House-approved bill ensures baseline level of quality care for hospital patients by directing the Department of Public Health to study nursing staffing standards.

Acknowledging that occupational exposure to hazardous materials makes professional and volunteer firefighters more prone to incidences of bladder cancer, legislation directs Department of Public Health to provide testing and screening and conduct educational program to encourage awareness and prevention.

Next week I'll summarize legislation passed that had to do with economic development.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A win for the state's environment...

Last week I announced that the House of Representatives unanimously approved legislation to further reduce the use of toxic chemicals in Massachusetts. This measure will strengthen the Toxics Use Reduction Act. A big win for the state's environment.

You may have already heard that we overrode the Governor's veto of the minimum wage law.

I'll have more detailed information later this week on legislation passed in this past session that will benefit our District.

If you have any questions or comments send an email to

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Overide of minimum pay legislation...

You may have already read that the legislature overrode the veto by the Governor of the minimum pay legislation we recently passed. The overide passed by unanimous majorities in both the House and Senate.

I'll have complete information later this week on the legislation that we overrode in the past few days. S0me of this legislation directly affects contituents in Malden and Medford.